Pic O' the Day

Pic O' the Day
Omaha-March-Spring Break-Zoo-Snowstorm-Iowa State Wrestlers kept us up all night...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Doctor List

Okay so this is kind of an odd list, but with the latest visits to another physical therapist and for the sake of my sanity, here is a list of doctors and medical specialists my kids have seen more than once.

  • Pediatrician
  • Neonatologist
  • Pediatric Dermatologist
  • Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
  • Pediatric Cardiologist
  • Pediatric Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon
  • Pediatric Ophthalmology Surgeon
  • Pediatric Plastic Surgeon
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Pediatric Allergist

Friday, August 22, 2008

A New Set of Lists

Indications the Tech Support Center You Called May Not Be Up To Par

First step in the troubleshooting process…Press the turbo button.
When they made a change to your account it was followed by a ZOIKES.
Normal disclaimer phrase that the call may be monitored or recorded replaced with adverstisement for Gold Bond medicated powder.
During the uncomfortable period while waiting for install process to finish, instead of the how’s the weather question, you get poem.
Wants to know if your file is digitally or analogally signed.
Support person keeps referring to your Crisco Switches.
On hold music is the theme to Hogan’s Heroes.
In reading back the process step s the tech decodes acronyms with whatever words they think fit…think MFP
In the background you hear PBR me ASAP

Phrases My Wife Said I Am No Longer Allowed To Say

Then there was this one time…at band camp
That’s Nuckin Futs
Taco Flavored Kisses
Salma Hayek
I’m here to say Hi to some guy named Gene.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I really, really, really want to ride that ride

Olivia wanted to ride the kiddie roller coaster. Here's a picture - below is the movie. Check out the dirty look she shoots me the on the third pass she makes.

Top Ten Good Things about Being in IT

Ok, so it's not ten...yet, but here it is so far.

10. The ability to work the word virtual into any conversation
9. Cat 6 print camo renders us virtually invisible
8. Blank stare you get from your kids when you inform them of the weekend infrastructure changes to their rooms
7. Right before the start of street fight, remind your opponent that it’s no coincidence Mr. T’s initials on the A Team were B.A.
6. Canadian donut Friday’s
5. Inside giggle we get when spellcheck suggests PMS for CMS.