New Out of the Blue Things My Kids Have Said...Out Loud...for Everyone to Hear
10. When are these going to get bigger like yours (my four year old daughter pointing to her chest and talking to me)
9. Why does dad have a magazine about fancy cats
8. I saw Noah in the bathroom and he wasn't sitting down and he was shooting pee into the toilet from his belly
7. I am sending my pee and poop to Heaven. (Because we flushed the dead fish and the dead fish went to Heaven...)
6. Aghhhh!!!! There's a snake in the toilet!! Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's okay, it's not a real's just a poop snake.
5. This feels like mommy's legs (again, the four year old, at Wal Mart, touching the velcro strap on a backpack.
4. I can't shake your hand because I farted on it while you were talking (said to the pastor at our church).
3. Daddy, is it okay if I pet the fur on your back.
2. How many times can I say god dang it before I get in trouble?
1. Thomas farted and it smells like bacon.