Pic O' the Day

Pic O' the Day
Omaha-March-Spring Break-Zoo-Snowstorm-Iowa State Wrestlers kept us up all night...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October 18th Quotes

  1. I can just go pee right here in this drain (said at the zoo).
  2. Number 1 means you have to pee, number 2 means you have to poop, number 3 means you farted.
  3. Why does that elephant have a pink butt.
  4. Oh my God, it smells like rice krispies (commenting on her brother's bowel movement).
  5. You know what you get when you cross a lion and a tiger...a liger. You know what you get if you cross a lion and a chicken...a licken. Ha ha ha...a licken.
  6. The reason I am cold is because I am not covered in fur like you are.
  7. The best thing I like about tacos is no raisins.

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