Shhh...I am counting to 100 in my head and I need everyone to be quiet.
It's like they're superheroes, except they're wearing helmets.
Mom, if I found a magic fairy wand I would give you straight hair, then I would give the fairy wand back.
No more stories right now! I am watching Sponge Bob in my brain and I need to able to listen!
Qtip can't have kittens because she got fixed like you did.
This is just I am going to be the only kids with glasses sitting at the no nuts table.
Mom, why do you always want to know if it is Friday yet?
Look, I can be just like Miss Danielle. (She has half a cheerio placed over her bottom lip, like a piercing.)
First is worst, second is the best, you are the guy with the hairy chest.
Thomas, I never had a black eye only, only two brown eyes, except for the one time I had pink eye.
I think my favorite present is the fart cusion.
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