Pic O' the Day

Pic O' the Day
Omaha-March-Spring Break-Zoo-Snowstorm-Iowa State Wrestlers kept us up all night...

Monday, June 8, 2009

More Quotes

  • Dad, you know if your hair was blue you would look just like Cookie Monster.
  • If we are going on vacation, I would prefer to stay in a hotel, not in an Inn. Inns always seem to have a lot of fires.
  • While Mom is on her trip, you are not allowed to use the bathroom.
  • People have a lot of blood in their heads...I know this...THOMAS STOP TOUCHING ME!
  • That light was yellow...I'm telling on you and you will get in trouble.
  • Dad, if you ever are out in the woods, and get attacked by a cougar, make sure you have a dog with you. Cougars are scared of dogs.
  • Hey Mom, Miss Cynthia's butt is big and squishy and she walks around like this (walking around with butt sticking out).
  • Your breath smells like bacon again.
  • I cannot go to sleep until I get a piece of square cheese and some crackers. Square cheese makes me very sleepy (hand waving in a hypnotic motion).

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