Pic O' the Day

Pic O' the Day
Omaha-March-Spring Break-Zoo-Snowstorm-Iowa State Wrestlers kept us up all night...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Top Ten Out-of-The Blue Things My Kids Have Said While Riding in the Car

These are a random list of things my kids have blurted out or said for no apparent reason while riding in the car. Here they are:

10. Can I have a piece of cheese?
9. I wish I had a dinosaur.
8. What’s 19 plus 42? (a question from the 4 year old)
7. Great, now it’s going to smell like old people.
6. I’m not going to get married, I’m just going to live with my cats
5. I am telling the people next to us to slow down (middle finger displayed to all of the cars next to us)
4. Thomas’ feet smell like corn chips
3. This is definitely not the way to Chuck E Cheese.
2. Shit Fire
1. I forgot to put on underpants

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